dinsdag 31 januari 2017

Study in the Netherlands: Which university?

Yes yes.....I know.....actually I would have about working in Dutch today....But after my blog yesterday. But actually I thought, study in the Netherlands? But the university then? This along with a list of all universities in the Netherlands, which studies you can follow .....

I made a list of the most important universities in the Netherlands, including the courses of study they offer. I have sorted them by city.

University of Amsterdam:
·        Faculties:
o   Humanities
o   Social and Behavioural
o   Sciences
o   Economics and Business
o   Science
o    Law
o   Medicine
o   Dentistry.
·        Website:

Academic Medical Center Amsterdam:
·        Faculties:
o   Neurosurgery
o   Cardiothoracic surgery
o   Neonatal and pediatric surgery and intensive care
o   Pediatric oncology
·        Website:

Amsterdam University College Amsterdam:
·        Faculties (all in English):
o   Information sciences
o   Mathematics
o   Physics
o   Earth and environmental sciences
o   Chemistry
o   Biology
o   Biomedical sciences
o   Health
·        Website:
o   www.auc.nl

VU University Amsterdam:
·        Faculties (Almost entirely English):
o   Business Analytics (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration)
o   Computer Science (Faculty of Science)
o   International Business Administration (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration)
o   Liberal Arts and Sciences
o   Literature and Society (Faculty of Humanities)
o   Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Faculty of Humanities).
·        Website:

VU University Medical Center Amsterdam:
·        Faculties:
o   VUmc School of Medical Sciences (Faculty of Medicine)
o   VUmc Academy (coaching for medical students and based on e-learning)
o   VUmc Amstel Academy (department for educating Nurses)
·        Website:
University of Groningen:
·        Faculties:
o   Faculty of Economics and Business
o   Faculty of Arts
o   Faculty of Law
o   Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies
o   Faculty of Philosophy
o   Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences
o   Faculty of Medical Sciences
o   Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
o   Faculty of Spatial Sciences
·        Website:
o   www.rug.nl

University Medical Center Groningen:
·        Faculties:
o   Neurosurgery
o   Cardiothoracic surgery (including transplants)
o   Neonatal and pediatric surgery and intensive care
o   Liver, kidney and bowel transplant surgery
o   Pediatric oncology
o   European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing
·        Website:

Leiden University:
·        Faculties:
o   Air and Space Law
o   Asian Studies
o   Bioinformatics
o   Chemistry
o   Industrial Ecology M.Sc. (track)
o   DNA Computing
o   Biopharmaceutical Sciences
o   European Law
o   European and International Business Law
o   European Union Studies
o   Evolutionary and Ecological Sciences
o   Functional Genomics
o   History
o   ICT in Business
o   Public International Law
o   Roman Law
o   International Relations and Diplomacy
o   International Tax Law[
o   Islamic Studies
o   Life Science and Technology
o   Linguistics
o   Literary Studies
o   Mathematics
o   Media Technology
o   Nanoscience
o   Philosophy of a Specific Discipline
o   Toxicology
·        Website:

Leiden University Medical Center Leiden:
·        Faculties:
o   Bachelor and master in Medicine
o   Bachelor and master in Biomedical Sciences
o   Bachelor in Clinical Technology (joined programme with TU Delft and Erasmus MC)
o   Master in Vitality and Ageing.
o   Master in Pharmacy
o   Electives and exchange options for international students
·        Website:

Maastricht University:
·        Faculties:
o   Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
o   Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
o   School of Business and Economics
o   Faculty of Law
o   Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
o   Faculty of Humanities and Science
·        Website:

Academic Hospital Maastricht:
·        Faculties:
o   Neurosurgery
o   Cardiothoracic surgery
o   Neonatal and pediatric surgery and intensive care
o   Pediatric oncology
·        Website:
o   www.azm.nl

University College Maastricht:
·        Faculties (only in English)
o   Cultural studies
o   European studies
o   History
o   Literature
o   Philosophy and science and technology studies.
o   Biology
o   Chemistry
o   Computer science
o   Mathematics
o   Physics and sustainable development
o   Business administration
o   Economics
o   International law
o   International relations
o   Political science
o   Psychology
o   Public administration and sociology
·        Website:

Erasmus University Rotterdam
·        Faculties areas:
o   Health - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences/Erasmus MC and institute of Health Policy & Management (iBMG)
o   Wealth - Erasmus School of Economics and Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
o   Governance - Erasmus School of Law and Faculty of Social Sciences
o   Culture - Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Philosophy
·        Website:
o   www.eur.nl
Delft University of Technology:
·        Faculties:
o   Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering
o   Architecture and the Built Environment
o   Civil Engineering and Geosciences
o   Electrical Engineering
o   Mathematics and Computer Science
o   Industrial Design Engineering
o   Aerospace Engineering
o   Technology, Policy and Management
o   Applied Sciences
·        Website:
o   https://www.tudelft.nl/en

University of Twente:
·        Faculties (Each faculty is in turn organized into several departments):
o   Behavioural Sciences, Management and Social Sciences (BMS+)
o   Engineering Technology (CTW)
o   Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS+)
o   Science and Technology (TNW+)
o   Faculty of Geo-information Sciences and Earth Observation (formerly known as ITC Enschede) (ITC+)
·        Website:
o   http://www.utwente.nl/en

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